Monday, March 29, 2010

The Company you keep...

Aloha. I pray that you are having a great day, wherever you are.

Today I read Bob Marley's son's post on Twitter...@RoMarley "We Know You By The Company You Keep RT @Setorii: Tell me who your friend is & I'll tell you who you are.".
I started thinking about the people I spend the most time with. I thought about what Rohan wrote and I thought how blessed I am. I would love for you to meet any of my close friends. They are such wonderful, loving people. They live aloha and practice walk and talk to align. I feel so honored to be surrounded and inspired by this quality of friendship and people. I am thankful to Jah that he allowed growth in me so that I can now reflect this friendship, knowing that there was time I was far from this.

. real. love.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post Mama... so true, so true.. I am glad you have found your close family. xoxo
