Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bone Health

Aloha All. I pray you are having a beautiful day.

This week I was blessed to go to a bone health lecture with dr. Howayeck a podiatrist from Cali. It's was so informative and he also gave ultrasound bone density tests for the participants. Here are some of the amazing facts that I learned:

Not surprising the highest ranking things that are bad for you are in order of severity:

1. Caffeine- he said soda is the absolute worst thing you can consume.
2. Alcohol
3. Sodium - bleached table salt.
4. Meat - very acidic
5. Sugar

Basically anything that causes acid in your body links to all degenerative diseases and is not surprising that it is related to bone health too.

Now the things that promote good bone health.

1. Calcium- All green leafy vegetables- Collards are #1 vegetable with highest calcium, highest fruit are prunes. You can also get calcium from liquid bentonite. This is what they give the Astronauts. Sesame seeds are profoundly high in calcium so eat up that tahini dressing!
2. Exercise that causes foot to pavement contact. Swimming not good for bone health but good for muscles. Dancing and walking are excellent.
3. Getting enough vitamin D. The sun won't do this because we need to get it directly perpendicular to our skin for absorption. You can get it through Chlorella. He recccommends Sun Chlorella
supplement daily.

We want our bones to be strong and carry us through a happy healthy life. We have power and control  to nourish them so that they are firm and not brittle. Plant based "livet" will promote healthy bones to optimum strength. Choose wisely what you put in your body. Alkalize and disease cannot thrive.

In life there are so many things we cannot control. But those things that we do, we must seize power and do our best, so we can feel our best. Dr. Howayeck has a book called Bone Health Made Easy, I highly recommend it. So here's to wishing a day and life full of health. Choose wisely what you decide to put in you, it has the power to heal or make you sick. You have a choice. Love you all, Mama

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