Tuesday, December 25, 2012

He's Got The Whole World in His Hands

Aloha Loved Ones,

I pray you had a beautiful day. I was very thankful that I got to just be at home doing what I love best- cooking. I started off today making some vegan cinnamon rolls, and then made 3 different Jamaican dishes. Needless to say, one of my other favorite things to do is eat, and I did a lot of that today too.
I am as passionate about vegan cooking as I am about having my food be GMO FREE. Cooking your own food is one way to ensure that the food you are eating does not contain GMOs. If are new to this subject, I encourage you to look into this topic. A great resource to learn more is Project Non-GMO Verified, and the Center For food Safety. One of my hero's who speaks out against GMOs is Dr. Vandana Shiva- she will be visiting Hawaii 1/15-1/17. You can find a complete schedule of her talks at HawaiiSeed Please see her if you can- and Google her if you have never seen her speak. I love you family.

Merry Christmas,
Mama T


  1. You are an amazing woman and my inspiration. Your enthusiasm about cooking and avoiding those GMOs gives me energy and hope! Happy Holidays. May 2013 bring you bountiful blessings and prosperity.

    1. Mary- I feel the same way about you! I pray that you have a Happy New Year and look forward to working with you this year. All my love,
      Mama T
